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Jamf makes it easy to manage employees’ Apple devices, both remote and onsite

This Apple Enterprise Management post is presented by Jamf.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic changed how employers and employees operate, remote work had become increasingly prevalent. By 2016, 43% of the U.S. workforce worked from home at least to some extent, according to Gallup. The pandemic added millions more and might tilt the balance toward remote work permanently.

So, now more than ever, organizations large and small must figure out how to manage, connect and secure all devices their staff members use, in workplaces and remotely. For enterprises that prefer to have iPhones, Macs and iPads in the mix, effective Apple Enterprise Management is crucial.

Jamf is a leader in the field. In fact, it’s the only provider that automates the entire lifecycle of Apple in the enterprise, including identity management, device deployment and management, and endpoint protection.

Defining Apple Enterprise Management

Employing Apple Enterprise Management, an organization’s IT department can manage, connect and secure all Mac, iPad, iPhone and Apple TV devices, wherever they are.

Jamf lets IT managers integrate with Apple deployment programs. That way, remote staff receive preconfigured Apple hardware, shrink-wrapped and delivered without contact. Once devices are deployed, employees can use a single user name and password to securely access all their hardware, applications and other resources they need to remain successful and productive.

Plus, Jamf lets IT folks leverage advanced workflows for remote and automated management of Apple devices, apps and inventory. The system can prevent, detect and remediate macOS security threats. And managers can receive real-time alerts on built-in Apple security frameworks.

With Jamf, an organization's staff can work, productively and securely, anywhere.
With Jamf, an organization’s staff can work, productively and securely, anywhere.
Photo: Jamf

Scaling up for small and large operations alike

Small organizations do well with basic Apple Enterprise Management. Big ones with hundreds or thousands of workers must put a more robust set of protocols in place.

Even in a large professional ecosystem, Apple Enterprise Management gives a system administrator the tools to securely connect users to necessary resources. Admins also can automate all device and application management and protect devices, users and data.

When it comes to sensitive data, workflows help protect it by making sure only authorized personnel with trusted devices and applications can access it. The tools also help the enterprise stay on top of best practices and regulatory changes related to data management.

In short, Jamf’s Apple Enterprise Management closes the gap between what Apple offers organizations through its hardware and software products and what those organizations need to properly manage and secure their data and devices.

After all, in a changing environment where the work is being done in more places than ever, IT managers must take care in meting out privileges and defending against security threats. Jamf’s tools help ensure enterprises remain productive no matter what.

About Jamf

Jamf is the only Apple Enterprise Management solution of scale that automates the entire lifecycle of Apple products. And it does so without negatively impacting the end-user experience or requiring IT staff to physically touch workers’ devices.

Jamf preserves the native Apple experience that employees expect at work. At the same time, it fulfills the enterprise’s security, compliance and privacy needs. Apple focuses on the person, and Jamf focuses on the people – empowering both workers and the team managing and securing devices.

Unlike some device-management providers, Jamf recognizes that unified endpoint management, also known as UEM, often takes a one-size-fits-all approach. That typically ends up failing to manage devices well across an entire enterprise.

A different approach, like Jamf’s, can properly manage and secure every Apple device in an organization. It’s no wonder that 24 of Forbes’ top 25 most-valuable brands use Jamf — or that eight of the 10 largest companies in the Fortune 500 turn to Jamf as well.

Contact Jamf

If you are looking for assistance with Apple Enterprise Management, contact Jamf today. It just might keep your workplace productive and protected in this ever-changing environment.

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